Sunday, September 18, 2011

Is Google's CEO Nonplussed By Google+?

When it comes to being social, Google CEO Larry Page is apparently very particular.

Who, therefore, could be surprised that social networking isn't quite as vital to his being as, say, burying the whole of Facebook in a very large vat of custard?

The difficult thing is that everyone believes the whole world will soon be social--that we will do nothing without our friends instantly knowing (and judging) our latest foray to, say, the bowling alley or the mall restroom.

So, yelps and alerts have now emerged that Page has posted nothing to Google+ for a month. At least, nothing publicly.

Network World seems especially perturbed that Page appears not to be participating in the growth (or not) of his own baby.

A Google representative explained to Network World: "We don't comment on individual profiles, but it's important to keep in mind that sharing activity can be taking place privately to circles. As we've shared before, we're seeing that people are two to three times more likely to share content with one of their circles than to make a public post."

But that's not enough, is it? Somebody, somewhere always wants the CEO of Ford to drive a Ford and the CEO of Procter and Gamble to wear Pampers.

Perhaps, though, they should consider that Page is, for once, setting an interesting trend. Figures from the blog 89n suggest public postings on Google+ have decreased by 41 percent over just the last two months.

So, here is Page perhaps posting all his inner thoughts and schemes to his various Google+ circles. True, he might also have decided that Google+ is infernally complicated and an intrusion into his precious time.

He might be considering whether the world is necessarily on some unstoppable slide toward permanent public exposure. Perhaps he's pausing to consider just how far this social thing should really stretch.

He might also have heard the words of Martin Sorrell, the perfectly formed and perfectly informed CEO of ad group WPP, who posited only yesterday that making money from social networks might not have quite the ease of peas that many in polo shirts had imagined.

"Facebook, Google+, a social interaction. We used to write letters to each other and now we correspond through Facebook and Twitter and other forms of communication. If you interrupt that with a message, you may run into trouble," Sorrell said in a speech to the Royal Television Society.

Page might also have have considered another article, at Social Media Today , that showed that the world's most famous stars have very little fan commitment on their Facebook pages. Yes, even Gaga.

He might have been too busy to read any of this. But equally, even in the last month, the Google CEO might suddenly have begun to consider that there is a place, a space, beyond social--a new, new nirvana where money can be made.

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