If you have been surfing the internet for last some time, as is the case you are visiting sites for webmaster, you are brushing up skills by learning new technlogies that drive web world.
The problem with such type of proficiency is that you will easily lose a touch with how a large number of Internet users actually operate on intenet, and thus you end up designing web sites that does not underline the special needs of these average users.
Who is the Average User?
Firstly,Let me explain you who is an Average User. These are the users who frequently use Internet but they are still aloof to things that go inside in creating a webpage. With explosion of web world everyone is switching to net. Computer and use on Internet is not confined to that elite class of IT professionals, who understand all the innards of IT technologies. Take the example of my mother after watching a weekly saop "American Idols" which gave her a url "americanidol.com" to open, she will go to her computer and type in google the url "americanidol.com", then google will search around its database to give her top ten results for this query. She will open the queries clearly showing him the URL. She does not know that she would have easily opened this website without using google by simply typing it in address bar.
The simple lesson you should learn her is that your website should be listed in Search engines because some people find it easy to use Google or all other search engines to find what they are looking for. So, If your website is not listed in SE's then you will simply loose this huge pool of Average users.
Importance of Title tags
One of the things I noticed about these average users is that they read the title of web site very closely and click on the links closely relevant to their search strings.
A lesson to learn:: Make sure your title tags clealry depict the services you are providing to your customers. The title tag should contain the keywords that are closely matched with the core concept of your website. Title should not be merely a plain string of keywpr. It should clearly make sense and sound very much relevant.
The texture and content of your Homepage
You homepage should clealry discuss the services you are providing. It should be arranged in an ordered way without letting your visitors in confusion. A cluttered web page with too much information tends to confuse your visitors, and could send a notion in their mind that they they cannot find the information on your website.
Where ever the designing is concerned, it must follow KIS (keep it simple) principle. If you want to sell a product make it appear prominently on the page. It will make an average user find easily what he is looking for.
Design that Average user Friendly web site
It is possible to take advantage of these novices of the average user. You can web design made by Miracle Studios ( in India) that perfectly suits the needs and requirements of an average users. Doing so will not only produce a user friendly website but also climb up your earnings from Online business.
"Do what other websites are missing out."
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