If you were to believe all of the hype on the internet about the incredible success of internet marketing, you would think that everyone who becomes involved makes a huge fortune overnight. While many of these success stories are legitimate, there are hundreds of people who have tried to make their fortune online only to meet with failure.
Why do you think this is the case? Because it takes a lot of time and effort as well as the ability to follow a good business plan if you really want to succeed. Too many people are conned into believing that it is 'easy' money but if you go into it with a business mindset, then the money is definitely there to be made. You must be eager to succeed and willing to put in the hard work to get the business up and running. You also need to be open to learning new things from those who have already succeeded.
The reality is that when you start a business, any business, there will be some basic costs involved. Sure, you may get a free website and there is lots of free advertising sites. Unfortunately, almost everyone is using this method of advertising and, as a result, it is doubtful that most of these emails even get read.
One of these necessary costs is paying some money to get traffic for your site. Traffic is the main ingredient in your recipe for success and, without traffic, your site is doomed. Not only do you need traffic but it must be targeted traffic which converts into sales.
Obviously, not all of your visitors will convert to a paying customer but if you can get a relatively decent percentage to do so, you will make a good living. For this reason, the more visitors that come to your site, the more sales you will make.
Finding enough traffic to make a small percentage of buyers equivalent to a good income is the difficult part. It comes down to the old adage that you have to spend money to make money and you will find that the success stories pay others for traffic.
Advertising is the key to success. Without advertising, nobody knows that your site exists. The more people who are aware of your site, the more will visit it. Once again, there are plenty of opportunities for free advertising but they do not generate the amount or quality of traffic generated by paid sources. Google and Yahoo are two well known places to start with advertising schemes.
Search engines such as those mentioned above, get lots of traffic because they are free and provide a service to millions of users. They are the main search engines that people use. Because of their popularity, they are a very efficient method of advertising and worth every cent that you pay.
Paying for advertisements on these search engines mean that if a user searches for something that your site is offering, it will provide a link to your site. While search engine optimization is a cheap way to get your site up in the rankings, paid advertisements will make sure you get up to the top of the ranks.
Consequently, when you pay for your advertisements, you are guaranteed of a consistent flow of traffic to your site, thus increasing your overall sales volume.
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